Saturday, July 18, 2009

4 week stats

Yesterday marked the four week point of Laura's life outside the womb. While the past four weeks have been long an wearisome in some ways, they have been delightful in many, many more ways. Laura is beginning to settle into more of a routine and she is much more content these days. She seems to engage and make eye contact more often and I suspect that intentional smiles and responses are just around the corner. We can't wait! She still loves to snuggle and has recently welcomed some time in her bouncy seat and swing, which has allowed me some time to nap during most days. One thing that David and I have found most interesting... she is a NOISY sleeper. In fact, she's just a noisy baby. :) She coos and grunts and sighs and squeals. It's pretty amusing, but it does keep us awake at night.

My mom and I took Laura to see the lactation consultant yesterday to check her weight and ask few questions. She weighs... 9 pounds 9 ounces. Wow! She is gaining weight beautifully, more than an ounce a day. We are so very grateful to God for making the nursing process a smooth one. I really enjoy nursing and have had no difficulties up to this point. God has been faithful to answer our prayers.

That's all for today... better take advantage of my small window of opportunity to take a shower while my little noisy sleeper is napping. :) Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bath Time and More...

Despite the disgruntled look on her face, Laura LOVED her first bath. She was so content and seemed to enjoy the whole experience. Then... came the drying off experience. Did she like this? Not so much... She attempted to gnaw off her right thumb in an attempt to sooth herself through the process.
Finally, all dressed, lavender baby lotion applied and... a happy baby once again. Snug as a bug in a rug...

Laura and I decided to try out the front carrier for our evening walk. Worked like a charm. She was out like a light for the next hour and a half.

This is one set of happy grandparents. My parents (AKA Oma and Pap) have been waiting for a grandbaby for a LONG time. :)

Proud Uncle Sean:

David and I enjoyed our time at my dad's 60th birthday bash.

Happy Birthday, Pap!

This photo was taken at a picnic we had for the folks at the urgent care I worked at. They have been a joy to work with and I'll be really sad to part ways with them. (See my prior post - our office is closing next week.)

Um, may I have a glass of milk, please? :)

Laura wasn't so sure about the bouncy seat at first.

She is getting used to it and will sit in it for a few minutes now. Next week, we'll work on the swing. :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Life with Laura

Well, it's been a little over two weeks with Laura and it's been a delight! I am so grateful that David had two weeks to be home with us. He has been wonderful! I didn't have to do a thing for two weeks except feed and snuggle our little girl. God certainly knows our needs well before we do, doesn't He? My recovery has been much longer (and MUCH more painful) than I expected, but God knew. He provided David with a job that has two weeks of paid paternity leave for their new dads.
Today is my first day at home alone with Laura and, so far, things have gone well. I haven't gotten much done other than caring for her and a few loads of laundry, but I'm really enjoying our day at home. We've been quite busy the past few days, so it's been really nice just to stay home today. If all goes well, we'll make a quick run to the grocery store in a bit... gulp. I haven't even driven in two weeks. Pray for us! :)

On another front... we have a need that we would like to share in hopes that you'll pray with us for God's provision. We know he is Jehovah Jireh, our provider, and He is faithful to provide all we need. Two weeks ago (when Laura was about five days old), I went to a meeting at work where they announced that our office will be closing in one month (about two weeks from today). We have been less-than-profitable, so management has been attempting to cut back on staffing and hours to make ends meet, but it seems that their attempts to save the practice have not worked. What does that mean for me? Well, I'll be "displaced" as many others have been in the past year. They will try to find another location for me to work at, but there is no guarantee. I am scheduled to return to work in mid-September and would like to continue to work only part-time at a location not too far from here. Ideally, I would also like to remain in an urgent care setting. My preferences are pretty specific, so that makes finding a suitable practice match quickly a bit more difficult. BUT, God says to make our requests to him specifically, and so we will. We trust that He will provide the right solution for our family.

I am so grateful to have a husband with mighty faith in our God. He set the tone immediately when we found out that I may be without a job. He was quick to remind me of the faithfulness and kindness of God and that there is no need to fear or to be anxious. Would you please pray along with us for God to provide a suitable job in His perfect timing... or a way for me to remain at home with Laura full-time? We look forward to watching His hand at work and we can't wait to testify of His good works as they unfold. Thank you, friends!