So, I'll continue moonlighting until God provides a very clear open door for permanent part-time employment. It would still be nice to have stable employment, especially these days. However, it is always a good thing to walk in faith, knowing that everything we have comes from the hand of the Lord. Again, David has done a wonderful job walking us through this, reminding me of God's faithfulness every step of the way. Have I mentioned how much I love my husband? He is a gift, indeed.
Laura turned three months this week. I can hardly believe it. This week, her hands have "found" each other. She often clasps them in front of her and it's incredibly cute. Her feet have also "found" each other. She loves to blow raspberries and make funny grunting noises. She sounds like a little old man many days. Where have all the cute coos gone? :) She also likes to kick and flail her arms (violently!) and then she stops abruptly, smiles, and looks at me for praise. It's precious! Modesty is no issue for her these days. She has learned to grab her dresses with both hands and pull them up to her mouth to chew on. Hello, belly button!
That's all for now - my eyelids are heavy and it's time for sleep... at least for a few hours. Laura has been waking up two times a night lately. I don't mind... I treasure this short season of late-night cuddles. Funny though, David said the other night that it seemed I was out of the bedroom everytime he woke up. I only fed Laura twice that night (I usually go to the living room to nurse her, so as not to wake him).... I must have fallen asleep for at least an hour during one of our nursing sessions. Who knew? (By the way, I sit up when I nurse her on the couch, so we both must have been quite a sight!) Oh, it's so much fun being a mommy. :)