Saturday, April 25, 2009

Belly Pics!

At 31 weeks, I'm really beginning to feel the weight of our little girl. :) I must say, however, that I have felt better so far during the third trimester than any other time during pregnancy. It's so much fun! Laura often gets the hiccups, poor thing! She's quite active in the evenings, a little active in the mornings, and pretty quiet during mid-day. These days, she LOVES to poke her cute little fingers and toes into my right ribs. She far prefers to be on the right side of my belly... wonder why? David and I enjoy talking to her and she seems to recognize voices and touch.

Pregnancy really is such a marvelous adventure. It's such a miracle! To think that God is creating life inside of me as I go about my daily business is simply amazing. He is busily designing her cute little eyes, nose, lips, and cheeks for us to kiss and cuddle in just 8 more weeks.

Thank you again for your continued prayers for all of us. Here are a few areas that you can continue to pray about...
  • Sustenance and endurance during long work days - I still work two 12-hour days each week. My last day will be June 17.
  • We have put our house on the market recently. While we are content to stay here as long as God would have us, it would be helpful to have an additional bedroom at some point. Please pray for peace and contentment during this time of uncertainty.... moving at 9 months pregnant? :) We'll see what God has planned.
  • Continued good health of Laura and me - God has been SO MERCIFUL to protect both of us while I work at the urgent care. Only one illness this winter, praise God!!!!
  • Organization and preparation for Laura's arrival - it can be quite overwhelming at times to think of all the things necessary to prepare for a baby's arrival.

    Thank you for praying! We'll keep you posted! June 23rd isn't far away... only about 8 more weeks. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I felt MUCH less overwhelmed about baby preparations after I had had my baby shower. It was such a blessing!

    I remember that feeling of just being "heavy." I felt heavy. Kate felt heavy. It was so nice to feel light again after she came!

    See you Saturday!
