Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Disconnected... :)

Well, my attempts to update the blog with pictures has been thwarted yet again. Our laptop died a couple of months ago and we replaced it. However, it was no longer compatible with the router, so we replaced the wireless router as well. Unfortunately, we still have only sporadic internet connection at best. So, the next post will likely be a very long one!

Laura and I are feeling better, praise God! That was a LONG three weeks of illness! It was every bit as difficult as I imagined it would be... long nights, stuffy noses, sleeping beside the crib on the floor, coughs and sneezes, confounding blue suction bulbs, vicks plug-ins.... But, God has been faithful and we are both feeling much better. (However, I woke up last night with a sore throat. No!!!!!!! Please pray that God spares me from another illness, at least until after Christmas.)

Drayton had his first band concert last week and it was lots of fun. He did a great job! They played Hot Cross Buns and Jingle Bells. He has come along way in the past five weeks of learning to play the trombone. Makenzie's Chorus concert is tonight and we're really looking forward to that as well. We spent some time last weekend practicing the kids' songs for church and I was able to accompany (although not very well :) on the piano. Nevertheless, we had lots of laughs and fun!

That's all for now... busy day ahead, but hopefully, lots of pictures to come when our internet connection is re-established on the laptop. Please pray that God repairs it soon!


  1. Awww, so sorry about all the weeks of sickness! There have been times that I thought I'd have to sleep beside Kate's crib. We have put her in the pack n play beside our bed before when she's been sick. I'm glad you struggle with the bulb syringe too! I think those things are next to useless!

    I will pray for much health the rest of the winter!

  2. I see by the time on the Blog 5:15 AM it is early in the AM!!!!!!Please try to get some much needed rest!!!! I know I know!! but anyway
    glad u two are better Love Ya Momma & (OMA)

  3. Your blog constantly makes me laugh - primarily because you manage to weave mention of god into absolutely EVERYTHING. God repairing your Internet connection??? Really??? Don't you think that if there is a God, he/she/it might have more important things to attend to than your Internet connection?

    You make the assumption that God will provide for everything, but you fail to recognize that you were (a) born in a very fortunate country to begin with (b) are white and (c) come from a middle class background. There are people in the world who "God" hasn't "provided for"...through no fault of their own. I don't mean to demean your faith, but sometimes things just HAPPEN. Not everything is some act of God testing you...I know that might be scary for you to think about because it might mean there isn't some "bigger power" guiding your life...but, trust me, I've seen a LOT in the world and "God" doesn't provide for them...they are poor and sick and don't have opportunities to pull themselves out of the abyss. Please, realize how your posts might sound to someone who is in that predicament.

    I just wonder about you sometimes because I read your post about the birth of your daughter...and how you were waiting to be induced because you wanted God to let it happen when it was SUPPOSED to happen...but then you got induced anyway after a few days...even though it was still before your due date. So, it's "God's will" until it isn't convenient for you any longer? If you really believed in God's hand making things happen when they were SUPPOSED to, you would have waited to go into labor NATURALLY.

    Don't get me wrong...it's great that you find comfort in believing in a God and all that, but I read your blog and constantly feel like you have some sort of "God" quota you are trying to make in each post...

    To be honest with you, I think your constant mention of your religious beliefs alienate you from people (I'm agnostic and try to keep up with you via your blog), but it just turns me off from reading more. So, ironically, instead of your faith helping you MAKE connections with people and developing enriching relationships with people of ALL beliefs, you limit yourself to a sphere of friends who are probably as equally religious as you are. Isn't it dangerous to limit oneself to a narrow segment like that? I think it is...it's ALWAYS better to know about ALL walks of life (and all beliefs, races, cultures, etc.). I guess that's a choice though you choose to make. I say this with kindness...please realize how your beliefs are alienating you from people (I'm not saying your beliefs are correct or incorrect...that's a personal thing and you have every right to believe what you want)...I just want you to know what the result of your beliefs makes on some people who do not necessarily believe in "God". Then again, perhaps I am a heathen in your view...I don't know. I'm sure you'll view this comment post as a "test" of your faith...that I am some devil testing you...Heather, I assure you, I'm not. I'm just someone who is agnostic. Maybe there's a God, maybe there isn't.

    Best wishes.

    A friend.

  4. Alice said: Hey Heather I just read the latest comment from someone who says is a friend of yours!!!! I really can't read anything in there that tells me he/she knows you very well and is a friend! But I think you stung him/her a bit with your conviction for your Love for Jesus Christ.I am glad he/she has read your Blog and I hope he/she continues to read your Blog he/she will see you never lean to the right or the left on your thoughts and convictions. I hope some day he/she will post their identity so you will be able to converse with he/she. This person would not believe you would sit down and talk and listen to the thoughts and beliefs that they have and only share why and what you believe if they would like to hear.

    Who ever you are I hope you keep reading the blog. You sound very interesting. Merry Christmas and God Bless you. Heathers Mother Alice.
