Sunday, June 14, 2009

I'm still pregnant.... :)

Yes, it's true. Just goes to show that only God knows when Laura will be born. :) Despite the fact that I've been 3cm and 80% effaced for 10 days, still no active labor. Nevertheless, we still have a little over a week until Laura's actual due date. Have mercy... :) The good news is, I am officially done working for at least 12 weeks. I went to work last Monday, but felt pretty badly after six hours on my feet and we all felt it best to call it quits for now. It has been a real blessing to be able to rest when I need to, although we've been quite busy.

We had another youth meeting in our home on friday and it continues to be a blessing to both David and me. The kids are so animated and have such a wide variety of personalities. It's really fun to watch them interact and get to know one another and the Savior better. Please pray for us as we continue to learn how to best serve them.

This morning will be our first Sunday morning meeting as Catalyst Church. We're really looking forward to it! We are able to meet in a Christian school on Sunday mornings for the entire summer... for free! God has been so kind to provide the perfect place for our growing group to meet. We still have not officially launched the church plant. We hope to grow to about 75 adults before we officially launch in September. We're getting there!

Thanks for praying for us. Please pray that we'll be able to get some sleep. I haven't been sleeping well at all, hence this post at 5am. It would be great to be well-rested before I deliver, but I am grateful for the preparation for late-night feedings. I've never been one to function very well on little sleep (I have no idea how I survived residency!), but I'm confident the Lord will provide all the rest I need, both before and after Laura's arrival. We'll keep you posted, hopefully, through e-mail, the blog, and facebook. Please continue to pray as we wait for Laura's arrival. We are ready!!!

38 weeks 3 days...

David and I at Kelly and Catherine Grenga's wedding last month.

I'm so grateful for my husband!!! He is a precious gift to me!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Heather, those last couple weeks can be the hardest for sure! Especially when you thought she could come a week ago! I will pray that the Lord blesses you with some good rest for the adventure ahead:) Love you!
