Friday, January 30, 2009

I would be delighted!

I was reading "A Place of Quiet Rest" again this morning (by Nancy Leigh DeMoss). There have been so many rich truths in this chapter entitled The Outer Walk. In this chapter, Nancy talks about the purpose of a devotional life, specifically with regard to how it affects our daily walk.

Lately, I have really been struggling with resting in God's will. Even the littlest change of plans can throw me for a real loop these days. I could blame it on pregnancy hormones, but the reality is that it's just the state of my unsubmitted heart before the Lord. Nancy related the account of Jacob. He wrestled all night long with the Lord and refused to give up. It was a useless battle, really. Who can win a battle with the Lord? Jacob found himself not only with a broken hip in the morning, but also with a broken will.

We also will have those times with the Lord. I know I do! In then end, however, we should be able to say as the Psalmist did in Psalm 40:8 "I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God." I read that verse and it really struck me. That should be my posture before God as I respond to His will. The NIV says, "I desire to do your will, God." I actually prefer the King James version here. We should DELIGHT to do God's will.

At the end of an encounter with a patient at the office, the patient will occasionally thank me for taking care of her. My response is often, "It's my pleasure." I say that time and time again at the office, but is that how I respond to my loving, compassionate, caring, tenderhearted God when He presents His will for me? Sadly, not always.

So, how do I get there? Nancy pulls out another verse that struck me. Proverbs 16:3 says, "Commit thy works to the Lord , and thy thoughts shall be established." So, as I commit my desire to DELIGHT to do God's will, He will direct my thoughts to follow by the Holy Spirit.

I'll be eager to see how many times the Lord allows me to practice this today. Will there be changes in the schedule? A wrench thrown in my well-sculpted plans? :) As He does redirect my steps throughout the day in the manner that He deems best, I pray that my response will be, "I would be delighted to do your will!"


  1. Heather thank you so much for your encouragement this morning! You have such wisdom and a love for the Lord that I glean from!! I am grateful that the Lord has us on similar paths-learning to obey and trust in Him.
    I treasure your friendship!!

  2. Great thoughts Heather! I am so glad the Lord is working in your heart this way, especially before the arrival of a little one:) He will be faithful to make even his smallest plans for you a delight to you I am sure!
    Love ya
