Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sugar and Spice and EVERYTHING Nice!!!!!!!!!!

Well, it seems our pollsters had it right all along. Baby Doty is a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our ultrasound experience yesterday was absolutely wonderful. Although little girl gave the ultrasound tech a run for her money, she was able to capture some really neat pictures. Initially, the baby was very modest, knees tucked up to her chest with her legs crossed at the ankles, blocking the view to "everything" we needed to see. The ultrasound tech had to jiggle my belly a few times even to get her to show her face! Nevertheless, after a little coaxing, she waved at us and gave us a "thumbs up" sign.

Everything looks just fine with the baby, praise God! However, just a small note for prayer... the placenta is low-lying, meaning it is located very far down in the uterus, close to the cervix. Most likely, it will migrate back up where it needs to be (i.e., God will place it just where it needs to be). Please pray that it will be found in the right location at our follow-up ultrasound in six weeks. I'm not worried in the least, God has clearly told us in His Word that He forms and fashions us in our mother's womb. I believe Him!

Here are a few photos of precious baby girl:

This is my favorite photo: precious little feet!!!!! (crossed at the ankle, just like a little lady :)

Baby Girl's Profile

The ultrasound tech captured this image and slowly typed in "I'm a (very long pause) GIRL!"

Baby Girl's hand is tucked up by her face. So sweet!

Resting on her side

That's all for today! Thanks for praying with us! What a joyful time! Now, we're in the process of seeking the Lord for just the right name for her. We have a few ideas.... :)


  1. Hurray! How exciting!! A cute, sweet little girl just like her mommy! Stephen and I are really excited for you guys. At least you guys only have to decide on one name. We're not planning to find out before the baby's born so we're still working on coming up with two names! :-) Love ya!!

  2. Oops! When that posted I realized that Stephen must have been logged into his gmail last on my computer so it posted with his name instead of mine. Since I said "Love Ya" at the end I thought maybe I'd try again and clarify that this is Ann posting and not Stephen! :-)

  3. Thank you, dear friend! But I did infer that it was indeed from you. :) Miss you bunches! Can you have Cath take a picture of the two of you when you get together? I want to see that belly!

  4. O.K. guys/gals. It's been 20 days since your last post. I'm waiting..........ha. Love you guys muchly!~Teadles
